waters Low volume insert, 300 μL, 6x29mm with plastic spring 100/pkg [WAT094170]
Low volume insert, 300 μL, 6x29mm with plastic spring 100/pkg [WAT094170]
提供Polymyxin B Sulfate (多粘菌素B) 021-55229872,65333639,Western、荧光定量PCR技术服务
waters Low volume insert, 300 μL, 6x29mm with plastic spring 100/pkg [WAT094170]
Low volume insert, 300 μL, 6x29mm with plastic spring 100/pkg [WAT094170]
提供Polymyxin B Sulfate (多粘菌素B) 021-55229872,65333639,Western、荧光定量PCR技术服务